Our latest project has been starting sweet potato plants from a small purple sweet potato we bought at the grocery store.

First, we split the potato in two and put the two halves in cups of water, with toothpicks holding each one up so that the full potato piece was not under water.

When each potato eye had grown roots and was 4 to 5 inches tall, Aidan carefully broke each ong stalk off of the potato, making sure the roots were still attached, and placed them in a separate cup of water. He placed the potato back in its cup of water and let it continue growing.

The plants will then spend another week in water before planting.

We also harvested our volunteer potato plants.
I threw rotting potatoes out into the backyard and they grew.

A week after Aidan put the sweet potatoes slips in water, he planted them in a large tub of dirt.


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